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#110 : La musique adoucit les moeurs

M. Schuester divise la chorale par paires pour chanter leur ballade préférée. Mais quand un enfant tombe malade, il est forcé d'intervenir et se retrouve dans une situation embarrassante.

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La musique adoucit les moeurs

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"Endless Love"

"Endless Love"


"I'll Stand By You"

"I'll Stand By You"


"Young Girl / Don't Stand So Close To Me"

"Young Girl / Don't Stand So Close To Me"





"Having My Baby"

"Having My Baby"


"Lean On Me"

"Lean On Me"


Photos promo

Emma et Rachel en admiration

Emma et Rachel en admiration

Rachel rend visite à Will.

Rachel rend visite à Will.

Will chante devant Emma et Rachel. (2)

Will chante devant Emma et Rachel. (2)

Rachel et Emma toujours en admiration devant Will.

Rachel et Emma toujours en admiration devant Will.

Rachel remet un cadeau à Will.

Rachel remet un cadeau à Will.

Les New Directions en apprentissage.

Les New Directions en apprentissage.

Quinn très proche de Finn.

Quinn très proche de Finn.

Kurt est heureux.

Kurt est heureux.

Artie a l'air content lui aussi.

Artie a l'air content lui aussi.

Puck est surpris.

Puck est surpris.

Will, le pianiste et Rachel. (4z)

Will, le pianiste et Rachel. (4z)

Will, le pianiste et Rachel. (3)

Will, le pianiste et Rachel. (3)

Will et Rachel chantent en duo.

Will et Rachel chantent en duo.

Will et Suzy Pepper (Sarah Drew)

Will et Suzy Pepper (Sarah Drew)

Will chante devant Emma et Rachel.

Will chante devant Emma et Rachel.

Rachel (Lea Michele) regarde son professeur chanter.

Rachel (Lea Michele) regarde son professeur chanter.

Rachel est souriante

Rachel est souriante

Santana est contente.

Santana est contente.

Will, le pianiste et Rachel.

Will, le pianiste et Rachel.

Will sépare Rachel et lui d'une chaise.

Will sépare Rachel et lui d'une chaise.

Will, le pianiste et Rachel. (2)

Will, le pianiste et Rachel. (2)

Will est blasé.

Will est blasé.

Plus de détails

Ecrit et réalisé par : Brad Falchuk

Will écrit sur le tableau le mot "ballad", et demande au cast s'ils savent ce que signifit ce mot. Britanny pense que c'est un canard, Kurt croit que c'est une chanson d'amour mais Will le rectifie, le mot "ballad" signifit une chanson qui raconte une histoire, une chanson dans laquelle on laisse parlé ses sentiments car on n'a d'autre moyen de le faire. Will leur dit que pour le concour il y a une nouvelle règle, il faut chanter une balade. Il leur demande de s'exercer par deux, comme Finn choisit Quinn, Will decide de tirer au sort les duos pour que ce ne soit pas trop facile. Matt n'est pas là donc Will doit le remplacer et chanter avec Rachel... Ils interpretent my endless love et les choristes pensent presque tous à autre chose que la chanson... même Rachel et Will.

Quinn essaye sa robe pour le bal de chasteté, sa mère n'arrive pas à fermer sa robe. Son père lui dit qu'il invite Finn à diner dimanche.
Rachel offre une cravatte à Will, ce qui lui rapelle de auvais souvenir et il va se confié à Emma. Elle lui dit qu'il n'a pas à s'inquiéter car il est juste le plus beau prof du lycée. Elle se rends compte qu'elle a gaffé et demande donc depuis quand tout à commencer avec Rachel.Will lui raconte que dans le passé une élève est déjà tombée amoureuse de lui: Suzy Pepper. Celle ci voyant que Will ne l'aimait pas comme elle l'aimait, elle a essayé de mettre fin à ses jours en mangeant le piment le plus fort qu'on trouve sur terre. Will avoue à Emma qu'il ne veut pas que ca arrive à Rachel. Emma lui propose de chanter à Rachel se qu'il ressent, ainsi la "rupture" sera plus douce, et elle ajoute: "et ne porte pas cette cravatte."

Kurt demande à Finn de lui chanter quelque chose, mais Finn n'y arrive pas, il ne veux pas chanter pour un autre gars et s'enerve. Kurt lui dit qu'il est tout à fait fascinant. Finn dit qu'il s'inquiète pour le bébé. Kurt lui propose de chanter i stand by you et il s'execute. Il chante à l'echographie du bébé chez lui mais sa mère le voit et Finn fond en larme en lui disant que Quinn est enceinte.
Finn et Quinn discutent, Finn lui dit ce qu'il s'est passé la veille. Quinn est enervée.

Will chante une chanson ( Young Girl / Don't Stand So Close To Me ) à Rachel, devand Emma et les deux sont vraiment sous son charme. Will leur demande se qu'elles ont compri, Rachel pense que Will est attirée par elle et Emma pense que Will est un super chanteur. Will est désespéré face a son échec.
Finn demande des conseils vestimentaire à Kurt pour le diner chez Quinn. Et Finn va leur avoué que Quinn est enceinte par une chanson.

Will rentre chez lui et... SURPRISE, Rachel est chez lui en train de faire le ménage! Will et Teri discutent, Teri lui dit que depuis des années elle en a marre des begins d'écolière et donc le tourne à son avantage. Will trouve ça imoral ais Teri s'en fiche. Will ramenne Rachel chez elle en voiture. Sur le trajet, Rachel met un CD et chante crush, Will arrete la musique, il est enervé.
Suzy Pepper dit à Rachel de faire gaffe où elle met les pieds. Pendant ce temps Mercedes est au telephone avec Tina, Puck s'impatiente, ils sont censés répèter. Mercedes dit à Puck qu'ils vont chanter une balade pour soutenir Finn et Quinn. Puck est jalous, il lui avoue qu'il est le père du bébé. Mercedes remet Puck en place en lui disant que Quinn à decider que se serait Finn le père et qu'il n'a pas le droit de gacher la vie de Quinn plus qu'il ne l'a déjà fait.

Finn dine avec les parents de Quinn, il est mal a l'aise va au toilette. Il telephone à Kurt et lui dit qu'il n'arrivera pas à chanter, Kurt le motive. Finn chante Having My Baby, le père de Quinn est énervé il met Quinn à la porte. Et Finn demande à sa mère si Quinn peut rester avec eux.

Pepper va voir Rachel, elles discutent et Suzy dit que qoiqu'il arrive Rachel n'aura aucune chance avec Will. Rachel va voir Will pour s'excuser, Will pense qu'elle faisait encore une preuve d'amour alors il lui a dit que son attitude est tout à fait inaproprié, Rachel s'excuse tout de même.
La chorale chante à Quinn et Finn lean on my. Ils sont émus.

Here’s what missed last week: Quinn’s pregnant, and Puck’s the father, but everybody thinks it’s Finn.

Puck: “You’re a punk who doesn’t deserve to have Quinn as his girlfriend”.

Except for Quinn’s parents, who don’t know anything… at all. Thy just know she’s in the Celibacy Club.

Puck: “Well, call the Vatican! We got ourselves another immaculate conception.”

And that’s what you missed on…


Will wrote on the board the word "ballad".

Will: “Ballad. From Middle English, balade. Who knows what this word means?

Brittany: It’s a male duck.

Will: Kurt.

Kurt: A ballad is a love song.

Will: Sometimes, but they don’t always express love. Ballads are stories set to music which is why they’re the perfect storm of self-expression. Stories and music are the way we express feelings that we can’t get out any other way. Okay, now, sectionals are in few weeks and there’s a new rule this year, we have to perform a ballad.

Rachel:  Looks like my weekly letter to the Ohio Show Choir Committee finally paid off!

Will: Okay. So here’s our assignment for the week: I’m going to pair you off, and I want you to pick a ballad to sing to your partner. Look then right in the eye, find the emotion you want to express, and make them feel it.

Finn: I pick up Quinn.

Will: No, no, no. Too easy. Your partners will be chosen by fate.

Will goes to the piano where the hat is.

All: Ooh!

Will: Ooh, yeah. I put all your names in this hat. Whoever you choose is your partner.

Brittany: I bet the duck’s in the hat.

Santana: But Matt’s out sick today. He had to go to the hospital, because they found a spider in his ear.

Will put his name into the hat.

Will: Um… I guess I’ll just have to put my name in the hat for now. Who’s up first?        

Each student get up to go pick a name.

Puck: Mercedes.

Will: All right.

Artie: Quinn

Finn: Kurt

Finn: Mr.Shue, I don’t know if I can do this with another guy.

Will: The fates have spoken, Finn.

Tina: Other Asian

Santana: Brittany

Will: How fitting. Yay! No way.

Rachel: Looks like I get you, Mr.Shue.

Will: Uh… you know what? Maybe we should just wait until Matt gets back.

Finn: The fates talked, Mr.Shue.

Artie: Would you mind clarifying what kinds of songs you want us to sing?

Rachel: Why don’t you let Mr. Shuester and I demonstrate. Brad, “Endless Love” in B-flat, please. It’s my favorite duet.

Will: I really don’t think that’s an appropriate song, Rachel.

Rachel: Why? It’s a great song, and it’s a perfect ballad.

Finn: Yeah. I really like this song, Mr. Shue.

Will: ♪My love…♪

Kurt: I could totally sing this song with Finn. But screw him if he’s thinks he’s taking the Diana Ross part from me.

Will:  ♪ The only thing that’s right…♪

Puck (Thinking): I love the days when I don’t wear underwear.

Rachel: ♪My first love…♪

Finn (Thinking): I never noticed how nice Rachel’s butt is. Oh, crap, I think Quinn knows I’m staring at it.

Rachel: ♪ You’re every breath that I take; You’re every step I make ♪

Will: ♪And I (Rachel: I); I want to share♪

Will & Rachel: ♪ All my love with you♪

Will: ♪No one else will do ♪

Rachel: ♪In your eyes (Will: Your eyes, your eyes)♪

Will & Rachel: ♪They tell me how much you care; Oh yeah♪

Rachel (Thinking): Wow. I’ve never noticed this before, because he’s always trying to destroy my career, but Mr. Shue has really pretty eyes.

Will & Rachel: ♪My endless love…♪

Rachel (Thinking): And really nice teeth. He’s obviously invested in good oral hygiene, and that’s important to me. It shows wonderful self-esteem.

Will & Rachel: ♪I’ll be that fool For you; I’m sure♪

Will (Thinking): I don’t like the way she’s looking at me. Oh, I shouldn’t have sung this song for her. Rap! She looks crazy right now. I know this look.

Will & Rachel: ♪Yes You’ll be the only one Oh, Cause no; No one can’t deny This love I have inside And I’ll give it all to you ♪

Will: ♪My love♪

Rachel: ♪My love, my love♪

Will & Rachel: ♪My endless love.♪

Rachel (Thinking): Okay, this is amazing. When I’m singing with him, it’s like I’m seeing him for the first time. And what I’m seeing is super…super cute.

Will: Okay. Something like that.


Judy Fabray: Sweetie, I’m so proud of you. The Chastity Ball is so important to your father.

Quinn (thinking): God, I miss the firm support of my polyester Cheerios uniform! The control panel hid my baby bump perfectly.

J.Fabray: That’s odd. We had this custom-made a month ago.

Quinn: I had a really big lunch today at school. Really big tacos

J.Fabray: no worries, sweetie. I’ll just take it down to the tailor tomorrow. We’ll let it out a little bit. The problem here, honey, is, you know, I just don’t think you’ve been getting enough exercise ever since you quit the Cheerios. Am I right?

Quinn: Yeah. Yeah. That’s right

J.Fabray: I mean, you used to spend hours every day doing backflips and high kicks, and now, I mean, now you spend all your free time sitting on a stool in the dark singing show tunes. Do you know how many calories you burn singing? Hmmm? Not very many.

Russell Fabray: Judy! Gleen Beck is on!

R.Fabray: Oh! Wait. Hold on. Hold on.

J.Fabray: He’s so…

R.Fabray: Oh, I don’t want to see!

Quinn: Daddy, it’s not like we’re getting married.

R.Fabray: I don’t want…oh. Oh look at you. Speaking of getting married how’s that boy you’ve been dating?

J.Fabray: Yeah. Yeah. He’s not, uh pressuring you at all, is he?

Quinn: No! no, he’s a gentleman.

R.Fabray: I’m glad to hear that.Mm-hmm. That’s why I’m inviting him over for dinner on Sunday.

J.Fabray: Oh! Wonderful!

R.Fabray: Refresher?

J.Fabray: Honey, I don’t want you to lift a finger for me. I’m your wife

R.Fabray: My little lemon drop. I gotta catch Glenn.


Rachel: Mr.Shuester?

Will: Yeah?

Rachel: I just wanted to confirm that we’re set to rehearse our ballad at 4:00 sharp this afternoon.

Will: Oh. Isn’t Matt back yet?

Rachel: No, it’s just… you and me, all week long.

Will: Great. Well… I’ll see you at 4:00. Is there something else?

Rachel: I just wanted to give you this. Open it. Gold stars are king of my signature thing. I figure every time you wear it, you can think of me and the star you’re helping me become.


Will: It’s happening again. It always starts with a novelty gift.

Emma: I mean, you can’t blame her, Will. I mean, if we were going to rank crashworthy teachers at this school, you’d be number one with a bullet. Uh… well, I… when did, when did this star with Rachel?

Will: We sang a duet in Glee Club “Endless Love”.

Emma: Okay, in hindsight, that was probably a mistake.

Will: yeah. I can’t handle going through this again.

Emma: Sorry, going through, um, going through what again?

Will: Have I ever told you about Suzy Pepper?


Will: So the alpacas start there and, uh, travel down towards Guatemala.

Will (Thinking): Suzy Pepper wasn’t the first schoolgirl crush, but she was the hardest. It happened about two years ago, before you were a teacher here. Suzy was… unique.

Suzy: Mr. Shue, how do you conjugate the verb… to love?

Will: Peppers.

Suzy: So you can wear them and think of me—Suzy Peppers.

Will: I thought it would burn out like the others but it only got worse

(Phone ringing)


Will: Hello?

(Heavy breathing)

Terri: Who is it? Who died?

(Heavy breathing continues)

Will: Suzy Pepper?

Suzy: You knew it was me just by the sound of my breath. That’s so romantic.

Terri: Listen, you little psycho, this is Will’s wife. And if I don’t get enough sleep, my anti-depressants won’t sork, and then I’ll go crazy a I’ll kill you.

Will: Terri…

Terri: Stop calling!


Terri: Can’t you handle anything, Will?

Wiil (Thinking): Terri was right –

(School bell ringing)

Will (Thinking): -- Or so I thought. I decided to be honest with Suzy, face this head-on.

Emma: Okay. How’d that go?
(Over earpiece)

♪How easy ♪

(Crying) (Thud) (Groans)

♪ It would be to show me how you feel ♪

♪ More than words♪

♪ Is all you have to do to make it real ♪

♪ Then you wouldn’t have to say ♪

♪ That you …♪

Will: It was the world’s hottest pepper. She had it shipped from Sinaloa, Mexico.

Emma: Oh, no. Oh, gosh. What happened to her?

Will: Well, the ambulance arrived just in time. The pepper burned holes in her esophagus. And she was in a medically induced coma for three days. That’s why I can’t just tell Rachel to back off. These girls are too fragile.

Emma: Wow. Okay. How about this? Why don’t you take your own advice. Right? Do what you told the kids to do. If you’re… if you’re feeling awkward telling Rachel how you feel, then why don’t you, um, you know, sing it to her?

Let her down gently. And don’t wear that tie.

♪ Bum bum ♪

♪ Bah bah. ♪

Will: Yeah.


Kurt: Sing to me everything you feel.

Finn: Okay. Uh… I can’t. I can’t. I can’t sing to a dude.

Kurt: You have to try.

Finn: I can’t, okay! I can’t. I’m sick and tired of people pushing me to be somebody I’m not.

Kurt: Your lashing out at me is fantastically compelling and inappropriate.

Finn: Dude, I’m sorry. You’re really awesome, Kurt. I… I’m just under a load of crap right now.

Kurt: Girls. They’re your problem. They’re up, they’re down. Girls.


Finn: It’s the baby. She’s my daughter, and… there’s so many things I want to say to her, and I’m never going to be able to.

Kurt: Like what?

Finn: Well… like how I don’t want her to think that her father jut abandoned her. How I would do anything for her. How, no matter what I do, I’ always thinking about her. How I’m going to spend my whole life loving her, and she’s never event going to know.

Kurt: You got let it out.

Finn: How?

Kurt: By singing. “I Stand By You” by The Pretenders. It’s in your wheelhouse, and I know you know it from the radio because it’s a classic, especially in the soft rock mode.

Finn: yeah, I do like that song, but… how is it going to make me feel better again?

Kurt: By singing it out. To the audience. Imagine your little girl sitting here.

Kurt: Thank God I never missed a piano lesson

(Playing “I’ll Stand by You” intro)


♪ Oh ♪

♪ Why you look so sad? ♪

♪ Tears are in your eyes ♪

♪ Coe on and come to me now ♪

♪When the night falls on you ♪

♪ You don’t know what to do ♪

♪ Nothing you confess ♪

♪ Could make me love you less ♪

♪ I’ll stand by you ♪

(Full band joins us)

♪ I’ll stand by you ♪

♪ Won’t let nobody hurt you ♪

♪ I’ll stand by you ♪

♪ Take me in into your darkest hour ♪

♪ And I’ll never desert you ♪

♪ I’ll stand by you ♪

♪ I’ll stand by you ♪

♪ Won’t let nobody hurt you ♪

♪ I’ll stand by you. ♪

The song ends in the Finn chamber spirited singing at the ultrasound that is on his computer. His mother, Carole, sees and asks him what he does.

C.Hudson: Finn, what’s going on? What are you doing?

Finn: Uh, nothing

C.Hudson: Were you just singing to a sonogram?

Finn: Uh-huh.

C.Hudson: Is Quinn pregnant?

Finn (sobbing): Mom. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

C.Hudson: Shh, shh, shh.

Finn: I screwed up, Mom.

C.Hudson: It’s going to be okay.

Finn: I’m so sorry.

C.Hudson: Shh, shh, shh.


Quinn: I can’t believe told your mom. What if she tells my mom?

Finn: No, she’s not.

Quinn: Half the school knows. Your mom knows. Who else do you want to tell? Huh?

Finn: But she’s not going to tell anybody.

Quinn: You’re wrong, I’m right. I’m smart, you’re dumb.

Tina: All this baby drama is making my rosacea act up.

Mercedes: I know. I just feel bad for them, having to go through this on their own.

Kurt: Let me see what I can do. I’ll report back later.

Quinn: No, you’re wrong, I’m right. I’m right, okay.

Finn: She doesn’t talk to other moms.

Kurt: How do you explain her constant irritation with you? It’s because she’s a girl.

Finn: No, I think it’s the pregnancy hormones or something. They make her kind of nuts.

Kurt: It’s enough to want to give up women altogether. (Chuckles).

Finn: Yeah. Anyway, thanks for the advice about singing to the baby like that. Uh, worked like a dcharm. I owe you one, dude.

(Pats arm)

Kurt (Thinking): Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m madly in love with Finn. I have been since the first time we met.

Kurt marche dans les couloirs du lycée, quand puck le pousse.

Finn: Dude. Impulse control.

Kurt (Thinking): He was my knight in shining armor. My feelings lingered stronger as we bonded over Glee. Then football. Then skin care.


Kurt: Your T zone is dangerously dry. Your… your T zone.

Finn: Oh.

Kurt: Twice a day. It’s very mild and has a built-in sunblock.

Finn: Cool. Thanks man.

Kurt (Thinking): I don’t know why I find his stupidity charming. I mean, he’s cheating off a girl who thinks the square root of four is rainbows. I guess that’s love for you.

Will: Hey. Eyes on your own paper.

Kurt (Thinking): I know it seems weird that I’m helping fin with Quinn, but rest assured, it’s all part of a master plan. No matter what I do or how much I assist him with his ballad, she’s going to end up disappointing him and breaking his heart. And then… he’ll be crying into my shoulder pads.

(Bell rings)


Will: okay, I’m very excited. I have picked a medley of songs that’s going to be fantastic teaching tool about how to sing a great ballad.

Rachel: Why is Miss Pillsbury here?

Emma: Uh… um, well, I… I, too, am very curious about the power of the ballad. You know, I’m thinking of doing some career counseling in song.

Will: Emma, want to just…?

Emma: S.A.T. prep… Yeah

Will: Yeah. Okay. Rachel, this is a mash(up of “Young Girl” by Gary Puckett and the Union Gap and the 1980 Police classic, “Don’t Stand So Close to Me.” And I want you to listen very closely to the lyrics because I really mean what I’m singing. Really listen. Okay.

Will tells Rachel to sit on the chair to the left of Emma.

 (Music plays)


♪ Young teacher, the subject ♪

♪ Of schoolgirl fantasy ♪

♪ She wants him so badly ♪

♪ Knows what she wants to be ♪

♪ With all the charms of a woman ♪      

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ You've kept the secret of your youth ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Book marking, she's so close now ♪

♪ This girl is half his age ♪

♪ Don't stand ♪

♪ Don't stand so ♪

♪ Don't stand so close to me ♪

♪ Young girl, you're out of your mind ♪

♪ Your love for me is way out of line ♪

♪ Better run, girl ♪

♪ You're much too young, girl ♪

♪ Temptation, frustration ♪

♪ So bad it makes him cry ♪

♪ Beneath your perfume and makeup ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ You're just a baby in disguise ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Get out of here ♪

♪ Before you have the time to change your mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm afraid ♪

♪ You'll go too far ♪

♪ Don't stand ♪

♪ Don't stand so ♪

♪ Don't stand so close to me ♪

♪ Young girl, you're out of your mind ♪

♪ Your love for me is way out of line ♪

♪ Better run, girl ♪

♪ Don't stand ♪

♪ Don't stand so ♪

♪ Don't stand so close to me ♪

♪ You're much too young, girl. ♪

(Both sigh and applause)

Will: So, Rachel, do you think you understood the message I was trying to get across with that ballad?

Rachel: Yes. It means I’m very young, and it’s hard for you to stand close to me.


Will: Um, no, um… Emma, would you mind helping me out here? Um, was that the message that you got?

Emma: You’re a very good performer. He’s very good.

Rachel: Well, I for one can’t wait to go home and work on a medley of my own for tomorrow, beause this lesson has given me… a lot to think about.

Will: No Rachel, that really wasn’t the… You…

Emma: Bravo.


Finn: Thanks for coming over Kurt. I know you’re into fashion and that kind of stuff. And I need to find something nice to wear to the Fabray’s for dinner, so…

Kurt: I couldn’t be more pleased and honored to help you find something vintage and appropriate to wear.

Finn: Here it is. My mom never had the heart to throw this stuff out.


Finn gives the helmet of his father's army to Kurt.

Here, hang on to that for the next time Puck throws you in the Dumpster.

Kurt: My dad’s the same way. My mom died ten years ago, and he still keeps her toothbrush on the holder by their sink. The broken dresser in their room still smells like her perfume. I know it’s stupid, but sometimes I’ll sneak in there and open all the drawers and lie on the floor and close my eyes and just smell her.

Fin: That’s not stupid. I guess in a way, I’m lucky I never knew him, you know?


Finn: Check this out

Kurt: Not half bad.


Kurt: Your father had good taste.

Finn: I can’t believe it fits. Uh, thanks. My father was brave enough to fight in some desert thousands of miles away, and I can’t even go over to Dudley Road and tell the Fabrays the truth.

Kurt: Your father didn’t charger into the breach empty-handed. He had a weapon.

Finn: You think I should bring a gun?

Kurt: N-No, I think you should use you greatest weapon…Your voice.



Will: Hey, sweetie, I’m home. Something smells good


Will be on her sofa and Rachel brings him a beer.

Will: Oh, thanks

Rachel: You’re welcome. Casserole’s almost ready. Hope you like venison.


Will: Why did you even let her in the house?

Terri: ‘Cause she said she as one of your Glee kids. It didn’t take me five minutes to realize she’s in love with you. She asked if she could see your baby pictures.

Will: What, so now you’re making her clean our bathroom?

Terri: Look, Will, I have been dealing with these school girl crushes for years. So why shouldn’t I get a little something out of it?

Rachel: Do you have any more Ajax?

Terri: Oh, in the linen closet, sweetie.


Will: this is immoral, Terri. 

Terri: No, honey, you know what’s immoral? Is me having to deal with the fact that my husband spends all day with young girls who are perkier and younger than I am. I have a rash on my belly from that cocoa butter that your mother sent me. Do you have any idea how much it burns when I sweat? I can’t scrub the floors as hard as she can.

Will: Baby, if it’s that bad, you have to let me see it. It might be infected.

Terri: What, so now I’m going to show you the bleeding pustules on my skin? Wow, yeah, no, that’s not going to send you into the loving arms of some teenage slut.

Will: For the last time, I am not having an affair with any of my students, and you are not allowed to turn one of them into your slave because you have this irrational fear of me leaving you.

Terri: But why not, huh, if it’s win-win for everyone? Loo, she’s a really good coke.


Terri: Try it. Where are you going?

Will: I’m taking Rachel home.

Terri: Can you ask her to dust the blinds in the craft room first


Rachel: Mr. Shuester?

Will: Yes, Rachel,

Rachel: Why do I have to sit in the backseat?

Will: Um, it’s the law. Children have to ride in the back.

Rachel: Children under seven.

Will: Well, I’m just concerned for you safety.

Rachel: Really?

Will: Um… no, not really.

Rachel: I think we should take advantage of this golden alone time and practice our ballad.

Will: That would be great, but I don’t have any music in the car.

Rachel: It’s okay, I made us a CD.

Will: Oh

Will put the CD and the intro of "Crush" begins.


♪Ah, crush♪


♪ I see you blowin’ me a kiss ♪

♪ It doesn’t take a scientist♪

♪ To understand what’s going on, baby…♪

Will arrête la musique.

Rachel: It wasn’t finished.

Will: Yeah, well, the acoustics are horrible in the car. Put your seat belt back on. So… how’s it going with Puck? Are you guys still seeing each other?

Rachel: I broke things off. He was too immature, as are all the boys in high school. I need a man who can keep up with me intellectually and creatively.

Will: Well, that’s a tough road for most high school boys.

Rachel: That’s why I have my sights set much higher.


Suzy: Stay away from him. You’re going to get hurt bad.

Rachel: You can’t threaten me, Pepper. I’m not afraid of you.

Suzy: You should be.

Rachel from raging, and Suzy too. The plan goes on Mercedes who is on the phone, which runs the worm singing class.

Mercedes: Oh, you’re on the second floor? Oh, you’re right above me. Girl, you? I am a hot damn mess. I found out today that my hamster is pregnant in biology class, and I just started weeping.


Mercedes: No, no, I think that’s a great idea.

Puck: We’re supposed to be rehearsing.

Mercedes: I’m talking to Tina. I’ll hit you back. This is bad, dude. All our ballads are terrible ‘cause we’re all so distracted. We’re all worried about Finn and Quinn and Babygate. We can’t even sig about our emotions ‘cause we’re so worried about theirs.

Puck: Who cares?

Mercedes: Um, we all do, so we decided we’re all going to sing them a ballad to show that we got their backs.


Finn: Mmm, it’s a lovely ham.

J.Fabray: Thank you.

R.Fabray: There is no beating Judy’s ham.


J.Fabray: Well, I cure all my own meats.

R.Fabray: I’d like to propose a toast.

Quinn: Daddy. No.

J.Fabray: Russell and his famous toasts

Russell gets up and begins his toast.

(Russell chuckles)

R.Fabray : The Fabrays are a tight-knit family. I have been blessed with a loving wife, two remarkable daughters. My first married a wonderful Christian man who owns his own chain of UPS stores. My second daughter – little Quinnie – we are so proud of her. Captain of the Cheerios. President of the Celibacy Club.

(Heart thumping)

R.Fabray: I got a little peek at the dress. I’m certain she’s a shoo-in for princess of the…

J.Fabray: She is.


R.Fabray: But tonight we are very glad to welcome her new friend – quarterback, no less.

Finn: I have to go to the bathroom. Uh… too much pop.

J.Fabray: Oh, wait, it’s right through the kitchen, sweetheart.

R.Fabray: He wears a helmet when he plays, right?

Quinn: He’s just intimidated by you, Daddy.


Finn comes into the bathroom and shut the door. He takes out his phone and calls someone.
The next shot, we see Kurt that is about to board in his room. He hears his phone ring and then he won.

Kurt: Well, hello, Finn Hudson.

Finn sits on the tub and meets Kurt.

Finn : I’m at the Fabrays and I’m freaking out. What does a heart attack feel like?

Kurt: Settle down, cowboy. This is why we burned the disc and spent all that time rehearsing.

Finn: I can’t do it.

Kurt: Yes, you can. Just remember the power of the ballad.

Finn: I have to go; they’ll think I’m pooping.

Kurt does not understand and still on the phone. Finn and Kurt still hangs up the phone. Finn gets up from the tub and look in the mirror in front of him. He gestured martial arts.


Finn arrives in the dining room with a CD player.

J.Fabray: That’s my kitchen radio.

Finn: Yeah, I need to borrow it.

Quinn: Finn, what’s this?

Finn: Well, we have this assignment in Glee Club to sing a ballad. They’re all about expressing the things you can’t find any other way to say.

Quinn: Oh, God, Finn, don’t. Please don’t.

Finn: No, I need to do this for both of us.

He starts the CD and the intro to "(You're) Having My Baby" begins.

Finn :

♪You’re having my baby ♪

♪ What a lovely way of saying how much you love me ♪

♪ You’re having my baby ♪

♪ What a lovely way of saying ♪

♪ What you're thinking of me ♪

♪ I can see it ♪

♪ Your face is glowing ♪

♪ I can see it in your eyes ♪

♪ I’m happy you know it ♪

♪ I'm happy you know it ♪

♪ That you're having my baby ♪

♪ You're the woman I love ♪

♪ And I love what it's doing to you ♪

♪ You're having my baby ♪

♪ You're a woman in love and I love ♪

♪ What's going through you ♪

♪ The need inside you ♪

♪ I see it showing ♪

♪ Whoa, the seed ♪

♪ Inside you, baby... ♪

Russell Fabray stops the CD, and rose to be in front of Finn. Finn did not dare look at him, and Quinn and embarrassed. Include teens while parents of Quinn understood.


Russell, Judy, Quinn and Finn are sitting in the lounge. Quinn and Finn on the couch and Russell and Judy are in front of them.

J.Fabray: There must be some sort of mistake here. Quinine, we raised you right.

Finn: You… you did. We didn’t even have sex.

J.Fabray: I’m sorry. Can we just stop the lying, please?

Finn: But I…

R.Fabray: When you were about five years old, I took you and your sister down to an Indians game. All the other dads brought their sons, but my two girls were enough for me.

Quinn: Daddy.

R.Fabray: Your sister made it through the whole game, but you fell asleep in my lap. I kept hoping nothing exciting would happen, ‘cause I didn’t want the crowd to get too loud -- … wake you up.

Russell looks Quinn crying, and he keeps talking.

R.Fabray: Didn’t matter. You stayed asleep in my arms till the game ended.

Quinn: Daddy, I’m so sorry.

Russell sighs, and looks Finn.

R.Fabray : You need to leave.

Quinn: Wait. Please, daddy can we talk about this? Finn is a good guy. He loves me.

R.Fabray: You, too. Get out of my house.

Finn: You can’t do that. She didn’t do anything wrong. Please, Mrs.  Fabray, do something.

Quinn: Don’t bother, Finn.

Quinn let out some tears.

Quinn : If she wanted to do something, she would’ve when she found out that I was pregnant.

R.Fabray: You knew?

J.Fabray: I – no. She didn’t tell me anything.

Quinn: But you knew. And I needed you. I needed my mom. And you were so scared of what he would do if he found out you just pushed it aside like we do every bad feeling in this house. If you don’t talk about it, it doen’st exist.

R.Fabray: Now do not turn this on us! You are the disappointment here!

Quinn: Why? Because I’m not a little girl anymore? Because I made a mistake?

R.Fabray:  Who are you? I don’t recognize you at all.

Quinn: I’m your daughter. Who loves you. And who knows this must be really hard for you, but I just need my daddy to hold me, and tell me that it’s going to be okay.

Russell no longer looks Quinn. He decides to head for it.

Quinn : Please.

He does not answer. Then he leaves the room and let her daughter cry.

R.Fabray : Judy !

Russell calls his wife, and like him, she leaves the room leaving her daughter crying.


Carole's mother, Finn, prepares a washing machine. She sees her son down the stairs.

C.Hudson : Honey, how many times have I told you, you gotta turn these T-shirts right side out before you…

She sees that Quinn is with his son down the stairs.

Finn: Um… Mom, Quinn’s parents threw her out. Could she stay here for a couple of days?

C.Hudson: yeah, of course she can. Honey, you can stay here as long as you want.

Quinn makes it a "thank you" to her head and smiled.


Rachel make-up, and we see Suzy Pepper out of a toilet.

Suzy: Hey Barbra Streisand, we need to have a little talk.

Rachel: I have nothing to say to you, Pepper. If you continue to stalk me, I’ll press charges. Everyone knows what you are. You’re the school crazy.

Suzy: I was crazy. Crazy in love.

Rachel: there’s nothing you can say that’s going to change the way I feel about Mr. Schuester. Ours is a love for the ages. Your threats will just make our love grow stronger.

Suzy: Let me tell you a few things I learned from two years of intense psychotherapy and an esophagus transplant. Lesson number one: You and Shue? It won’t work.

Rachel: What do you mean?

Suzy:  We’re not so different, you and me. We’re both mildly attractive and extremely grating. Love is hard for us. We look for boys we know we can never have. Mr. Shue is a perfect target for our self-esteem issues: He can never reciprocate our feelings, which only reinforces the conviction that we’re not worthy of being loved. Trust me. I’m a autionary tale. You need to find some self-respect, Rachel.

Suzy leaves the toilet leaving Rachel think about the words she has just been released.


Rachel is sitting on a chair with a green plant and expects M.Schuester.

Rachel: Mr. Shcuester, I’m ready when you are! The ballad I’ve selected has an important message that I’m anxious for you to hear.

Will: Rachel, I’m sorry, I’m going to have to stop you.  The way you’ve been acting is totally inappropriate. I’m your teacher, Rachel, and I’m sorry, but that’s all I’m ever going to be.

Rachel: I know. I… brought these for you as an apology. And the song I was going to sing was, “Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word” by Elton John, ‘cause I know how much you love it. I’m such an idiot.

Rachel returns to sit on a chair.

Rachel: I’m such an idiot. Mooning over you and cleaning your apartment…

Will: Hey.

Will was going to sit next to Rachel.

Will: It’s okay. I know it’s not always easy for you, Rachel. And I know that there are some things about yourself that you think you’d like to change.

Rachel back tears.

Will: But you should know that there is some boy out there who’s going t like you for everything you are. Including those parts of you that even you don’t like. Those are going to be the things he likes the most.

Rachel stops sobbing and looks Mr. Schuester.

Rachel: Thanks, Mr. Shue.

Will: what do you say we ditch rehearsal today?

Rachel laughs and wipes some tears on her face this.

Will: I’ve got to be honest, Rachel, you’ve never really needed much help with ballads. You’ve been knocking them out of the park since day one.

Will takes the flowers on the piano. Rachel joins him and they go to the exit.

Rachel: Do you like them?

Will: They’re great.


Kurt puts a CD into the drive and closes it.

Kurt: So they just kicked her out?

Finn: Yeah. Gave her half an hour to pack. Father set the timer on the microwave.

Kurt: I’m sorry. I guess my plan kind of sucked.

Finn: No, uh, this is good. No more secrets. You know, everything’s out there – all the feelings. And that’s better, right?

Kurt: Yes. Better.

Finn: Good. All right, well, uh, let’s works on your ballad. You were really helpful when I was trying to find mine. So what is it?

Kurt: “I Honestly Love You”.

Finn: Sounds awesome. I don’t know the song, or whatever, but it sounds positive and nice and stuff.

Mercedes comes up behind Kurt.

Mercedes: Hey, you two. We need to go to the choir room.

Kurt gets up.

Kurt: Because there’s something we want to give you and Quinn.


Mercedes arrives with Finn. Kurt follows them.

Finn: Is there a cake?

Mercedes: No, there’s no cake.

Quinn: Oh.

Mercedes: Be quiet and sit down. Hi Quinn.

Finn: Do you know what’s going on?

Will speaks, and all the glee club, except Finn and Quinn, get up.

Will: Your fellow Glee Club members want to sing a song for you guys to let yyou know how they feel about you.

Finn: What are you going to sing?

Rachel: Just listen. The song says everything.

"Lean On Me" begins and the Glee Club sing the chorus.


♪ hum-hum-hum-hum ♪

♪ Hum-hum-hum-hum ♪

♪ Hum-hum-hum-hum ♪


♪ Hold on ♪

♪ Sometimes in our lives ♪

♪ We all have pain ♪

♪ We all have sorrow ♪

♪ But if we are wise ♪

♪ We know that there's always tomorrow ♪

Artie & Mercedes:

♪ Lean on me ♪

♪ When you're not strong ♪

♪ And I'll be your friend ♪

♪ I'll help you carry on ♪

♪ For it won't be long ♪

♪ Till I'm gonna need somebody to lean on ♪


♪ Just lean on me ♪

♪ Call on your brother ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ When you need a friend ♪

♪ We all need somebody to lean on ♪


♪ Somebody to lean on ♪


♪ I just might have a problem ♪

♪ That you'll understand ♪

♪ We all need somebody to lean on ♪

♪ Lean on me ♪


♪ Oh, oh if there is a load ♪

♪ There's a load ♪

♪ You have to face ♪

♪ You have to face ♪

♪ That you can't carry ♪

♪ I am right up the road ♪

♪ I'll share your load ♪

♪ If you just call me ♪

♪ Call me ♪

♪ I'm calling ♪

♪ Call me ♪

♪ When you need a friend ♪

♪ Call me ♪

♪ Call me ♪

♪ Call me ♪

♪ Call me ♪

♪ When you need a friend ♪

♪ Call me ♪

♪ Any time of day ♪

♪ Call me ♪


♪ Ooh, it won't be long ♪

♪ Till I'm gonna need ♪

♪ Somebody to lean on ♪

♪   Lean on, lean on me ♪

♪ Lean on, lean on ♪

♪ Lean on me ♪


♪ Lean on me ♪

♪ Lean on, lean on ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Lean on me ♪

♪ You can lean on me ♪

♪ I'm gonna need somebody to lean on ♪

♪ Gonna need somebody to lean on ♪

♪ Hey... ♪

♪ Somebody to lean on. ♪


Kikavu ?

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !