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C'est bien connu dorénavant, Glee regorge de phrases et d'expressions toutes plus amusantes les unes des autres ! On a biensûr en mémoire les répliques burlesques de notre blonde nationale, j'ai nommé Brittany, ou encore les paroles ironiques de notre Coach favorite, à savoir Sue Sylvester, elle-même !

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Ecrit par Oklahoma 

Les citations de Brochy

Episode 102 : Showmance
* - Sue (à Will) Tu veux du fer ? Pour avoir la frite pendant tes règles
- Will : J'ai pas de règles
- Sue : Ah bon ? Moi non plus !

* Sue parle à Quinn, Santana & Brittany
- Sue : Je compte sur vous trois pour être mes espionnes. Nous allons les réduire en cendres. Grâce à vous, on va les détruire de l'intérieur !
- Quinn : Et je pourrais récupérer mon petit copain
- Sue : Tu as déja entendu parler de la castration chimique ?

Episode 103 : Acafellas

* Rachel tente de convaincre Will de revenir au Glee Club
- Will : C'est pour ça qu'il faut que vous engagez Montana
- Rachel : Dakota ...
- Will : Je m'en fous !

Episode 105 :  The Rhodes Not Taken

*- Kurt : Est-ce qu'on pourrait parler du vrai problème ?
- Santana : Ta sexualité ?

*- Will : Tu crois qu'on peut gagner les régionales sans Rachel ?
- Emma : Tu te souviens de l'équipe jamaïcaine de bobsleigh ? A peu près autant de chance !

Episode 107 : Smackdown

- Figgins : Sue ! Will a fait des recherches,et d’après les résultats,vos élèves sont pour la plupart totalement dysléxiques !
- Sue : Oui ,et alors ?
- Figgins : Ne serait-ce que vendredi dernier, au match de football, elles ont scandé « allez les titans »,en épelant « titans » : T.A.T.I.N !
- Will : Tatin !

Episode 108 : Que la honte soit avec toi
*Sue vient de se faire larguer.

Sue : Schuester !

Will : Oui, j'suis là !

- Sue : Il me faut la liste de tes inscrits finalement, et je la veux sur mon bureau niquel et plastifiée à 5 heures pétantes. Si tu as une seule, une seule minute de retard, je fonce à la S.P.A te chercher une petite chatte, je te laisse la temps de tomber amoureux de la petite chatte, et puis une nuit, j'entre chez toi pour te la volée et te démolir la gueule à coups de savattes !!

Episode 114 : Hell-O
* Brittany (à Santana) :
 Tu savais que les dauphins sont des requins homosexuels ?

* Sue (à Brittany & Santana) : Mesdemoiselles, je vous ai mal jugé. Vous êtes les ados les plus débiles que j'ai croisé dans ma carrière. Et c'est pas peut dire. Un jour j'ai même eu Sarah Palin dans un de mes stages.

* Sue : Je vais t'expliquer : D'après ce qu'on m'a dit, tu viens de te faire méchamment larguer par cette terrible erreur de la nature de Finn Hudson. J'ai aussi entendu, que pour te consoler tu t'es trouver un beau mec bien chaud dans une autre chorale. Mais ta trahison fait tellement enragé tes gentils camarades qu'ils ne prennent même plus le temps de faire disparaître leurs boutons et qu'il y a plus de cratères sur leurs tronches que qur la Lune !

Episode 115 : The Power Of Madonna
* Jessie vient d'intégrer les New Directions, les élèves protestent
- Will :
 Jeunes gens, on a toujours accepté les élèves qui ont passés l'audition. Est-ce que j'ai refusé qui que ce soit ? D'un coup, je devrais changé le réglement ? Ca, ça ne serait pas juste ! (Brittany lève la main) Brittany ?
- Brittany : 
On dirait que vous êtes son père.
- Will : 

Episode 117 : Laryngitis
*Kurt : 
On est aussi menaçant que des bébés Muppets. Ce qui veut dire que nos réputations de mauviettes sont restés intactes !

Episode 122 : Journey
*Finn et Rachel s'apprêtent à monter sur scène

- Rachel : Dis moi merde.
- Finn : 
Je t'aime !

Episode 201 : Audition
*Jacob interview le Glee Club pour son blog
Will Schuester, how do you respond to a recent post on my blog saying that your Glee club song selections sound like they come from a drag queen's iPod?

Episode 202 : Britney/Brittany
*Will fait cours au Glee Club :
- Mr. Schuester: 
All right, who can tell me who Christopher Cross is?
- Brittany: 
He discovered America.

Episode 204 : Duets
*Santana est jalouse de la relation entre Brittany et Artie :
- Santana: Look, I don't mean to be a bitch...well actually I do.

Episode 206 Never Been Kissed
Sue à Mercedes, lorsqu'elle est principale
- Sue :
 It's broccoli. When I showed this to to Brittany earlier she began to whimper thinking I cut down a small tree where a small family of gummy bears lived.

Episode 207 : The Substitute
* Holly vient de rencontrer Terri:
- Holly Holliday: 
Wow... Your wife's kind of a bitch.

Episode 215 : Sexy
*Santana avoue ses sentiments à Brittany
- Santana : 
What I’ve realized, is why I’m such a bitch all the time. I’m a bitch because I’m angry. I’m angry because I have all of these feelings. Feelings for you, that I’m afraid of dealing with because I’m afraid of dealing with the consequences. I want to be with you, but I’m afraid of the talks and the looks. I’m so afraid of what everyone will say behind my back, still I have to accept that I love you. I love you and I don’t want to be with Sam or Finn, or any of those other guys. I just want you. Please say you love me back. Please.


Les citations de laurine03

Episode 101
Sue : You think this is hard? I'm living with Hepatitis, that's hard !


Sue : High school is a caste system. Kids fall into certain slots. Your jocks and your popular kids up in the penthouse. The invisibles and the kids playing live-action out in the forest: bottom floor.
Will : And... where do the Glee kids lie?
Sue : Subbasement.


Will : I'd like to take over Glee Club.
Principal Figgins : You want to captain the Titanic too ?


Rachel : Being a part of something special makes you special, right?


Kurt : I'm sorry, did I miss the election for queen? Because I didn't vote for you.
Rachel : I know what I'm talking about. I won my first dance competition when I was three months old !


Puck : What kind of surgery?
Finn : Ah... well... she had to have her prostate out.


Mercedes: I'm Beyoncé, I ain't no Kelly Rowland.


Episode 102
Puck : Those skirts are crunchy toast ! Santana Lopez bent over in hers the other day, and I swear I could see her ovaries.


Rachel : They're not gonna kill us because we're gonna give them what they want.
Kurt : Blood ?


Sue : So, here's the deal. You do with your depressing little group of kids what I did with my wealthy elderly mother. Euthanize it !


Sue: That was the most offensive thing I've seen in twenty years of teaching, and that includes an elementary school production of Hair.


Sue: Iron tablet, it keeps your strength up while you're menstruating
Will: I don't menstruate.
Sue: Yeah, neither do I.


Episode 103
Sue : I'm going to ask you to smell your armpits


Sue (à Emma) : You know the way you use your mental illness to help these kids is really inspiring. And I'm shocked you're not married.


Rachel : We need to have a gayvention. That's gay intervention.
Tina : It's Kurt. He's lady fabulous.
Mercedes : Look, just because he wears nice clothes doesn't mean he's on the down low.
Rachel : He wore a corset to second period today.


Will : Sandy, we voted. When you're in the group it's creepy.


Sandy : Who is Josh Groban ?! Kill yourself !


Episode 104 :

Puck : Well call the Vatican ! We got ourselves another immaculate conception !


Puck : Hey, ankle-grabber, I had sex with your mother. No seriously...I cleaned your pool and then I had sex with her in your bed. Nice Star Wars sheets


Kurt : Hi. I'm Kurt Hummel, and I'll be auditioning for the role of kicker.


Kurt: My body is like a rum chocolate soufflé...if I don't warm it up right, it doesn't rise.


Kendra : I'm just making it sound worse than it is to make him feel guilty, and then you have him by the balls for the rest of his life.


Terri : Are you taking pre-natal vitamins? You need to, or your baby will be ugly.


Episode 105
Terri : Really ? That's a really good sign. That means the baby's not a Mongoloid.


Kurt: Oh, Bambi, I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy.


Episode 106 :

Sue : Oh, yeah, Will ? How's that working out for you ? You have to remember something. We're dealing with children. They need to be terrified. It's like mother's milk to them. Without it, their bones won't grow properly.


Sue : Oh dear God, please...please stop talking. I'm trying desperately to ignore the treacly-sweet inanity of your asinine conversation, but now I've got bile in my mouth and I will hold my tongue no further.


Episode 107
Will : Sue, I have in my hand a Spanish quiz in which one of your cheerleaders misspelled her name, and answered every question with a drawing of a sombrero !


Sue : Oh, Will ! We all know about your devotion to that dying language !


Sue : I don't trust a man with curly hair. I can't help but picture little birds laying sulfurous eggs in there, and it disgusts me.


Sue : Santana ! Wheels ! Gay kid ! Asian ! Other Asian ! Aretha ! And Shaft !


Kurt : Sue told me that if she caught me even talking to one of Mr. Schue's kids, she'd shave my head ! And I just can't rock that look. Even Justin Timberlake is growing his 'fro back.


Episode 108
Sue : Why can't people marry dogs ? I'm certainly not advocating intimacy with your pets, I for one think intimacy has no place in a marriage.


Sue : I'll need to see that set list for sectionals after all. I want it on my desk warm from the laminator at 5 pm and if it is one minute late I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat and then on some dark cold night I will steal away into your home and punch you in the face.


Puck : When I woke up I knew it was more than a dream, it was a message from God. Rachel was a hot Jew and the good Lord wanted me to get into her pants.


Puck : Are you questioning my bad-assedness ? Have you seen my guns ?


Episode 109
Kurt : We all know I'm more popular than Rachel, and I dress better than her.


Quinn : I don't care if that baby comes out with a mohawk, I will go to my grave swearing it's Finn's.


Sue : If I have a pregnant girl doing a handspring into a double layout, the judges aren't going to be admiring her impeccable form, they're going to be wondering if the centrifugal force is going to make the baby's head start crowning.


Sue : You think this is hard ? Try auditioning for Baywatch and being told that they're going in another direction. That was hard.


Episode 110
Terri : Listen, you little psycho. This is Will's wife. And if I don't get enough sleep, my antidepressants won't work. And then I'll go crazy and I'll kill you.


Kurt : I could totally sing this song with Finn. But screw him if he thinks he's taking the Diana Ross part from me.


Kurt : He's cheating off a girl who thinks the square root of four is rainbows.


Puck : I love the days when I don't wear underwear. Full commando !


Will : Ballad. Who knows what this word means?
Brittany : It's a male duck.


Episode 111
Kurt : You need something to distract from your horrible personality. Most of the time I find it hard to be in the same room with you. Especially this one, which looks like where Strawberry Shortcake and Holly Hobbie come to hook up.


Kurt: I admit I like a challenge as much as the next guy, but Rachel somehow manages to dress like a grandmother and a toddler at the same time.


Episode 112
Finn : Do you think I have a potato head ?


Sue : Have you and the redhead become so sexually deprived that you have to commit your craven acts of adultery between classes ?


Sue : You're too busy chasing tail and loading your hair with enormous amounts of product. Today, it just looks like you put lard in it.


Episode 113
Sue : Get ready for the ride of your life, Will Schuester. You are about to board the Sue Sylvester Express. Destination : Horror !


Mercedes : Hey she's on to it.
Tina : I know! It's really freaking me out. Hold up. Artie's buzzing in. I'm going party line.
Artie : Dudes, this is serious ! If she finds out, she's gonna tell Finn ! She's a total trout mouth.
Tina : Kurt wants in.
Kurt : I say we lock Rachel up until after Sectionals. I volunteer my basement.
Mercedes : We can't ! We need her to sing.
Kurt : Damn her talent.
Santana : We just heard ! Who told ?
Artie : We assumed it was you.
Santana : And why would I do that ?
Kurt : To get back at Puck. Aren't you guys dating ?
Santana : Sex is not dating.
Brittany : If it were, Santana and I would be dating.
Santana : Look, I don't want to rock the boat. Since Quinn got pregnant, I'm top dog around here.
Mercedes : Hold up, Rachel's walking by. Hey, hot mama !... She's gone. Look, I know I screwed up telling you guys about Quinn and Puck, and I feel really terrible about it ! But we can't let Rachel figure this out. If she tells Finn, he's going to flip !
Kurt: And then we really have no chance at Sectionals.


Episode 114
Sue : There. You no longer confuse me with your she-male looks. I'm going to donate this to the victims of hurricane Katrina. They can use it to plug the holes in their trailers.


Sue : Oh, I will bring it, William. You know what else I'm gonna bring ? I'm going to bring some Asian cookery to rub your head with. 'cause right now you got enough product in your hair to season a wok.


Sue : Hey, buddy, you get a haircut? Looks awful.                                                             


Sue : Ladies, I misjudged you. You may be two of the stupidest teens I've ever encountered and that's saying something. I once taught a cheerleading seminar to a young Sarah Palin.


Brittany : Did you know dolphins are just gay sharks?


Brittany : Sometimes I forget my middle name.


Will : What do you guys say when you answer the phone ?
Mercedes : What up ?
Artie : Who this be ?
Kurt : No, she's dead, this is her son.


Episode 115
Quinn : Would you please stop talking ? You're grossing out my baby.


Kurt : Mercedes is black. I'm gay. Together we make culture.


Sue : You think this is hard ?! I'm passing a gallstone as we speak ! That's hard !


Brittany: When I pulled my hamstring, I went to a misogynist.


Rachel: Can I ask you guys something private?
Santana: Yes, you should move to Israel.


Episode 116
Brittany :  I'm pretty sure my cat's been reading my diary.


Tracy : Sue, when I met you I instantly disliked you. You're bossy, insulting, and the fact that twice you called me Rerun makes me think you're a little racist.


Kurt : Ever since you’re separated from your wife you’ve spent a lot of late watching reruns of Law & Order, haven’t you ?


Episode 117
Brittany : I've been here since first period. I had a cold and I took all my antibiotics at the same time and now, I can't remember how to leave.


Sue : Will, I may buy a small diaper for your chin, because it looks like a baby's ass.


Episode 118
Sue : So, you like show tunes. It doesn't mean you're gay. It just means you're awful ! You know, there is only one person in this world who can tell you what you are.
Kurt :  Me.
Sue : No, me. Sue Sylvester and she hasn't quite made up her mind about you.


Episode 119
Rachel : My first singing competition, I came in first place.
Jesse : You were eight months old.


Bryan :  I was introduced to Jesus. He was my Honduran social worker.


Episode 120
Will : Tina, are there any other looks you can try?
Santana : Biker chick?
Finn : Cowgirl?
Mercedes : Hood rat.
Quinn : Computer programmer.
Brittany : Cross-county skier.
Puck : Catholic schoolgirl.
Brittany : Happy meals, no onions. Or a chicken.


Figgins : For several years in my early twenties, I dressed up as Elvis. But he was a Christian, Will ! And he did not possess the ability to transform into a bat !


Quinn : You want to name her daughter Jack Daniels ?

Puck : OK Jackie Daniels


Kurt : She changes her look faster than Britt changes sexual partners.


Episode 121
Kurt : Rachel's one of us. We're the only ones who get to humiliate her !

Quinn: Thinking "Trust me" was a sensible birth control option.


Sue : You know, for me, trophies are like herpes. You can try to get rid of them, but they just keep coming.


Episode 122
Sue : I realize my cultural ascendant only serves to illuminate your own banality. But, face it, I'm a legend. It's happened.


Sue : Newton-John? You're dead to me. Remington, Horsey, have a seat and listen up. I don't care who comes in first, I don't care who places second, but I have a very strong opinion about who comes in third.


Sue : Your hair looks like a briar patch. I keep expecting racist animated Disney characters to pop up and start singing songs about living on the bayou.


Rachel : So we have something we need to say to you.
Matt : In the beginning of this year, I was just another football player.
Tina : I had a stutter.
Mercedes : I was a closeted diva.
Quinn : I used to be captain of the Cheerios.
Mike : I was afraid to dance outside of my room.
Santana : I hated everyone in this club.
Brittany : So did I.
Kurt : I wasn't honest about who I was.
Puck : I was tossing kids into Dumpsters.
Artie : I had never kissed a girl before.
Rachel : And I was getting slushied.
Finn : I didn't-I didn't have a father. Someone I could look up to. Model myself after. Someone who could show me what it really meant to be a man.
Rachel : We don't care what the judges say. We won. Because we had you as a teacher.
Mercedes : And Glee club will never end, Mr. Shue, because…you are Glee Club. And you're in all of us now.


Episode 201
Brittany : People thought I went on vacation but I really spent the summer lost in the sewers.


Brittany : I made it up. Coach Beiste didn't touch my boobs. Actually, I really wanted to touch her boobs.


Sue : See this ? It's a court summons for child endangerment 'cause there's been a line of would-be Cheerios camping outside the high school since late July. I guess they lost their humanity a little bit. Went a little 'Lord of the Flies' out there. One girl ate a pigeon.


Puck : Dude your mouth is huge. How many tennis balls can you fit in there ?
Sam : I don't know, I've never had any balls in my mouth … have you ?


Episode 202
Rachel : Now I don't have to fantasize about what song I'd sing at your bedside if you were in a coma.


Brittany : I don't brush my teeth. I rinse my mouth out with soda after I eat. I was pretty sure Dr. Pepper was a dentist.


Brittany : This room looks like that room on that spaceship when I got probed.


Brittany : Please don't pull out all my teeth. I'll look like an adult baby, but with boobs.


Brittany : Are you a cat ?


Brittany : I would just like to say that from now on I demand to have every solo in glee club.


Brittany : I'm more talented than all of you. I see that clearly now. It's Brittany Bitch.


Brittany : Finn can fly ?

Kurt : Seriously ?


Episode 203
Finn: When I pulled the sandwich out, I saw the face of God. Literally


Puck: I'm a total Jew for Jesus. He's my number one Heb.


Finn: Something happened to me and I can't really get into it but it's shaken me to my core.
Puck: Oh my God, he's coming out.
Finn: Yes, there is a man who's sort of recently come into my life and that man is Jesus Christ.
Puck: That's way worse.


Brittany: Whenever I pray, I fall asleep.


Brittany: I made him a card that said 'heart attacks are just from loving too much.'


Brittany: Now I know what Miley feels like.


Sue : I realize you're only half orangutan but I'm still very allergic to your lustrous ginger mane.


Sue: This country is not a monarchy, William. Trust me, I've tried.


Episode 204
Finn : No, no way. I'm with Rachel now. I mean, she's a lot shorter than Quinn and she talks a lot, but I'm in love with her.


Mike : We are fighting a lot. We should go to Asian couples therapy.
Tina : Why does the couples therapy have to be Asian ?


Rachel: Hey, I have something I want to talk to you about.
Kurt: Please, not another pregnancy.


Rachel : I think you and I are more similar than you think.
Kurt : That's a terrible thing to say.


Kurt I have three gifts; my voice, my ability to spot trends in men's fashion and my ability to know when it comes from a bottle.


Santana : How can you do a duet by yourself? That's like vocal masturbation.


Brittany : For awhile, I thought you were a robot.


Will: What's a duet?
Brittany: A blanket.


Episode 205
Kurt : No … there's no way I'm playing a transvestite in high heels and fishnets and red lipstick.


Kurt: What are you going as for Halloween ?
Brittany: I'm going as a peanut allergy.


Episode 206
Kurt : You can't punch the gay out of me anymore than I can punch the ignoramus out of you.


Will : I'm not tossing the baby out with the bathwater, here.
Brittany : I've totally done that !


Episode 207
Brittany : Mr. Schuester taught me the second half of the alphabet. I stopped after M and N. I felt they were too similar and got frustrated.


Kurt: You smell homeless, Brett. Homeless.


Holly : Your wife's kind of a bitch.


Holly : I'm Holly Holliday.
Terri : Are you a porn star or a drag queen ?


Sue : It's broccoli. When I showed it to Brittany earlier, she began to whimper thinking I had cut down a small tree where a family of gummy bears lived.


Episode 208
Kurt : You know, when you call me Lady, that's bullying, and it's really hurtful.
Sue : I'm sorry. I thought that was your name. As an apology, I'll allow you to choose from the following nicknames: Gelfling, Porcelain, and Tickle Me Doughface.
Kurt : I guess I'll go with Porcelain.
Sue : Damn. Totally wanted Tickle Me Doughface.


Kurt : Trust me on this. I've been planning weddings since I was 2. My Power Rangers have gotten married and divorced in so many combinations it's like they're Fleetwood Mac.


Episode 209
Rachel : Ken and Barbie? Wait! A-a-are you trying to throw this ?


Quinn : You used to be just sort of unlikeable, but now I pretty much feel like punching you every time you open your mouth.


Episode 210
Will : Someone special ?
Kurt : No, just a friend. But on the upside, I am in love with him, and he's actually gay. I call that progress.


Will: I thought you hated the holidays.
Sue: Nah. I just hate you.


Mercedes : I've been a very good, girl, Santa. I want a pony, and a doll that laughs and cries and… One of us smells like McDonalds.
Lauren : I would like Puckerman to love me. He's a fox. I would also like sweet potato fries.
Santana : I want bling; I can't be more specific than that. Okay, wait, hold up. Please tell me that is a roll of Certs in your pocket.
Quinn : Do you have anything for stretch marks ?
Sam : Chapstick. Lots of Chapstick.
Mike : I want Channing Tatum to stop being in stuff.
Tina : When does Asian Santa arrive ?


Brittany : Artie...the roads to the North Pole are getting treacherous. You need to write your letter to Santa really fast and get it in the mail today. And remember, even the smallest envelope is heavy for an elf.


Episode 211
Brittany : I don’t want to die yet at least not before One Tree Hill gets canceled


Sue : You don't go in that canon and this routine will be all boom, boom and no pow. And that, Brittany, is so 2008 and... late


Quinn : What the hell are we gonna do? If we go to our cheerleading competition then we miss the halftime show and we're out of Glee Club. I'm torn.
Santana : Well I'm not.
Brittany : I'm Brittany.


Katie Couric : You beat out the following losers: the economy, Mel Gibson, Dina Lohan... and Sparky Lohan, who is Dina Lohan's dog and, apparently, also a loser. How do you deal with that?
Sue : I've been drinking a lot of bleach.


Kurt : I bring Finn a glass of warm milk every night, just in the hopes we may have a little lady chat.


Kurt : Blaine and I love football. Well, Blaine loves football. I love scarves.


Karofsy : Getting all hot and bothered about singing a Ke$ha song. It's weird.
Puck : Maybe it won't so weird when I go Tik Tok on your face.


Episode 212
Kurt : I had a cat thrown at me in a nursing home once.


Santana : I've kissed Finn, and can I just say: NOT worth a buck. I would, however, pay $100 to jiggle one of his man boobs.


Santana : Finn only wears that gassy infant look when he feels guilty about something


Santana : I'll just marry an NFL player. They're super reliable.


Santana : I’ve had mono so many times I’ve turned into stereo.


Will : Ok, guys I've got one word for you.
Brittany : Is it Love? I'm totally going to graduate now!


Brittany : That's my man and his legs don't work!


Sam : I'm pretty, but I ain't dumb.


Blaine : If he and I got married, the Gap would give me a 50 percent discount.

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Quelle série ayant pour thème la musique préférez-vous ?

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Total : 11 votes
Tous les sondages


ShanInXYZ, 29.06.2024 à 17:22

Nouveau sondage chez Doctor Who, quel est votre épisode préféré de la saison qui vient de s'achever ? Passez vite voir le Docteur

cinto, 29.06.2024 à 18:47

Le mois des fiertés n'est pas fini; encore de la place pour voter au sondage chez Queer as Folk. Merci aux 13 qui ont déjà voté...

Aloha81, Avant-hier à 12:28

Aloha ! Nouvelle PDM, Nouveau calendrier et sondage toujours en cours sur le quartier Magnum P.I. !

ShanInXYZ, Avant-hier à 18:39

Nouveau mois chez Doctor Who : calendrier, sondage, Fashion Week, nos jeux habituels, les nouveaux et un quizz spécial Harry Potter pour l'été

langedu74, Avant-hier à 22:10

Bonsoir ! Une nouvelle session du Ciné-Emojis vient de débuter sur HypnoClap. Vous avez jusqu'à ce week-end pour deviner le film

Viens chatter !